Why starting a home hair salon is good for you
Now more than ever The Hairdressing and Barbering industry has its spotlights on the Home based salons and it’s about time. Finally we are seen for the business savvy salon owners we are.
I’d like to talk for a second to those hairstylist and barbers who are currently undecided about opening your salon from home. Designing your salon at home can suit ANY budget & is great to get the ball rolling while it feels like everything is at a standstill with the current pandamic.
Do you wanna know what I did when I first started working from home…. I set up an office desk I bought from Kmart, stole a mirror off my mother in-laws wall and had the HBS Portable Basin, I put my personal touches in with décor and Voilà I had a fully functional & professional salon. From there I started advertising in my social circles + locally and before I knew I had a clientele.
(photo of @rebeccamichelle_hair 1st ever home salon)
It wasn’t long after they handed me my certificates to say I had completed my hairdressing apprenticeship that I started my home salon, starting out I didn’t want to overcommit to large investment like $2,500 every month just to have a work space that I already had at home and as you can see from the photo above it didn’t take much to turn my hallway into a professional salon that my clients loved!
So what do you need to think about?
- how many clients it would take to cover what you are currently earning at your salon as a minimum.
- what space you will be allocating to your salon
- how you want to design your salon and the environment you want to create for your clientele.
- Speak to an accountant about your business and insurance needs.
Was it scary? well yeah… until my first client handed me over $250. I knew if I did just one client a day, 5 days a week that would bring me in an easy $1,250 weekly income and if I did just 2 clients a day and that will bring in $2,500!! My first full week’s income blew my mind, I couldn’t believe what I was earning. It was in that moment I think I finally worked out what my senior stylist meant when she said, “work smart, not hard!”.
HBS PORTABLE BASIN www.homebasedsalons.com.au
With all new adventures there comes concerns & opening your own salon comes with its fair share but once you do finally step out on your own, you learn that everything is in your control. You’ll also find that having complete control of what you make per client gives you finical security that you can dictate by how many clients you do a week.
So WELCOME, too sleeping in more and having a work life balance. Design your dream salon environment that allows you to get in your housework in-between clients and time, oh my gosh timeeee, for you to eat AND TO PEEEEEEE!!! I’m so excited for you to experience the lifestyle and freedom of owning a Home Based Salon.
Written by – Rebecca Michelle @homebasedsalons

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in your salon space
Download our AR app and see exactly how the HBS Basin will look and fit in your home salon. Download on Google play and the App Store now!