The Exact Formula To Building Your Own Home Based Salon

Thinking about transforming a part of your home into a chic, personalised salon space? You’re onto something big! Running a salon from home offers flexibility, intimacy, and the opportunity to be your own boss. But where do you start? Keep reading for the essential tips to consider when building a Home Based Salon.

1. Space Assessment and Planning:

First things first – take a good look at the space you have available. Consider the type of services you want to offer and whether your space can accommodate them comfortably. Do you have room for colour services, or will you stick to dry cuts? Will you need to make any renovations or invest in space-saving solutions? These are all important questions to consider before diving in.

2. Navigating Legal Obligations:

Running a home-based business comes with legal responsibilities. Check your local zoning regulations to ensure your property can be used for commercial purposes. Don’t forget to register your business name and obtain an Australian Business Number (ABN). Plus, having the right insurance coverage is crucial to protect your assets in case of unforeseen incidents.

3. Building Your Dream Team:

Your team is the backbone of your salon, so choose professionals who are not only skilled but also passionate about their work. Provide ongoing training opportunities to keep your team up-to-date on the latest trends and techniques. Ensure you have employment contracts in place to protect both yourself and your employees. Creating a positive work environment where everyone feels valued and appreciated is key.

4. Spreading the Word:

Marketing is essential for any business. Word-of-mouth referrals are incredibly valuable, so ask your existing clients to spread the word. Embrace the power of social media by setting up a Facebook and Instagram business page to showcase your work and connect with potential clients. Remember to post regularly and respond promptly to inquiries to keep your followers engaged.

5. Get The Perfect Set Up:

Upgrade your home salon with the HBS Portable Basin – the ultimate solution for salon-grade hair washing, anytime, anywhere.


  • No plumbing required for hassle-free installation
  • Chemical-resistant water and waste tanks for durability
  • Comfortable hair washing experience for clients
  • Quick connect and release tank connection for easy operation
  • Energy-efficient and quiet water pump
  • Adjustable water temperature settings for client comfort
  • Durable, waterproof, and fireproof benchtop
  • Large 90L water capacity for extended use
  • Buy now, pay later option available

Elevate your home salon experience with the HBS Portable Basin. Order now and transform your salon setup effortlessly.

Home Based Salons App

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in your salon space

Download our AR app and see exactly how the HBS Basin will look and fit in your home salon. Download on Google play and the App Store now!

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